In the past several years I have mainly taught undergraduate and graduate
Probability classes.
Here is a sample of classes I have taught:
- 3215, Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- 3225, Honors Probability and Statistics
- 3770, Statistics and Applications
- 4280,
Introduction to Information Theory
- 6221,
Advanced Classical Probability Theory
- 6241,
Probability I
- 6242,
Probability II
- 7244,
Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus I
- 7245,
Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus II
For the undergraduate classes, I often found the
Chance Project,
Laboratory in Probability and Statistics, and the
Statistics Education Websites of the
International Association for Statistical Education
to be useful tools.
The teaching resources of
The Probability Web
are also proved quite useful.
An interesting resource (in French) is
Le Projet Statistix.